First we need to get hold of the image map and include it in the HTML page.
For this graph it is:
<map name="__mapname197223__" id="__mapname197223__" > <area shape="poly" coords="135,18,135,5,268,5,268,18" href="#45" alt="Title for Bar" title="Title for Bar" target="_blank" /> <area shape="poly" coords="67, 210, 67, 146, 89, 146, 89, 210" href="csim_in_html_ex1.php?clickedon=1" title="val=12" alt="val=12" /> <area shape="poly" coords="121, 210, 121, 71, 143, 71, 143, 210" href="csim_in_html_ex1.php?clickedon=2" title="val=26" alt="val=26" /> <area shape="poly" coords="175, 210, 175, 162, 197, 162, 197, 210" href="csim_in_html_ex1.php?clickedon=3" title="val=9" alt="val=9" /> <area shape="poly" coords="229, 210, 229, 119, 251, 119, 251, 210" href="csim_in_html_ex1.php?clickedon=4" title="val=17" alt="val=17" /> <area shape="poly" coords="283, 210, 283, 44, 305, 44, 305, 210" href="csim_in_html_ex1.php?clickedon=5" title="val=31" alt="val=31" /> </map>
The graph is then be displayed as shown in figure 1. With the following created <img> tag:
<img src="csim_in_html_graph_ex1.php?_jpg_csimd=1" ismap="ismap" usemap="#__mapname197223__" height="250" alt="" />
Figure 1. The included CSIM graph.